IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco

Art Museum



Artist: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III 


The calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is not bound by worldly conventions and is devoid of unnecessary flamboyance. It is highly refined and based upon ingenious artistic conception. His Holiness’s strokes are sometimes written in a swift curling style. However, in an instant, His Holiness can express the innocent and natural charm of a child. There is wonder in even common strokes. His calligraphy is naturally graceful, exhibiting depth and brilliance. The calligraphy of His Holiness contains an invisible force that makes the characters seem much grander than they appear on a superficial level. His strokes look harmoniously smooth and unbroken. The Chinese characters may appear strong and vigorous, like a soaring dragon or mighty tiger. They may appear clear and gently elegant, like slowly floating clouds, cranes flying among pine trees, or dancing swans. They may appear simple and unadorned, like the free heart of a child. They are gracefully understated and completely devoid of any mundane quality. The calligraphy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is natural in quality and resonates with the true nature of the universe. A deep power underlies His Holiness’s strokes.

南無第三世多杰羌佛的書法,匯聚五明之全面證德證境,方見墨情神至,又近年之草書以瘦金龍蛇無礙而寫,更見神韻風馳,『翡 翠玉』乃出仙風佛骨,徹底跳出三界外,豈然笑傲五行中,實乃非書之書,情懷宇宙。如『朗嘎羅布』之書,已脫前人筆墨而超前者,脫俗無華,功力深厚,似砸釵碎玉,且見鋼打鐵鑄之風之『無我乃大成』,堅硬雄樸,鋒利破皮之勁道,然而又內蘊俊秀,娟美溫愜,確堪躍古騰今之書風格韻。『小不點』,孩兒天趣,老叟童心,毫不拘束佈局擺章,非書而書,消盡煙火之氣, 內藏儒雅風魂。拜讀南無第三世多杰羌佛筆下的『聖』字,則又是柔剛相並,內力藏秀,外放雅韻。而『佛』字時,可謂名副其實,真 正達到了古人論書功力之頂峰『傲雪松枝萬古痕,筆力能抗千斤鼎』。


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#Art Museum US

#Art Museum San Francisco
